Thursday 7 March 2013

Last Day :)

 Yesterday was my last day of work experience in the boys National School. I have been there for the last eight weeks. When I arrived I met the vice principal and she let me in to the office where I was greeted by one of the receptionists. I spent most of my day photocopying six hundred and forty six copies of a school sponsor walk card. I then had to photocopy the back of it. When I had finished photocopying I numbered them from 1 right up to 646. It took ages! but I got it done. I then sorted them into class groups, writing each teachers name onto it.
 After Lunch, I had to photocopy a letter for every student and divide into the class groups. I also counted the Lotto Envelopes. I delivered the letters and the lotto envelopes to each class. I went around the different classes to see if any of them needed help and I eventually got a job in a second class to hang up their artwork outside their class. It was a long day, but I got a lot of experiences from the school in the last eight weeks :)